摘 要:義烏市場和重慶朝天門市場在市場的建立、管理、商戶、商品與交易方式及配套服務方面存在較大的差異,義烏市場比重慶朝天門市場更為成熟,重慶朝天門市場在相關方面需要向其學習。特別是在當前東部產(chǎn)業(yè)結構升級轉移和青藏鐵路順利竣工通車的形勢下,重慶更應該充分發(fā)揮自身區(qū)位優(yōu)勢,搶抓機遇,發(fā)展自己,縮小朝天門市場與義烏市場之間的差距。 關鍵詞:義烏市場;重慶朝天門市場;差異性;產(chǎn)業(yè)群;區(qū)位優(yōu)勢 Abstract:There are many differences between Yiwu Market and Chaotianmen Market of Chongqing,including the foundation,management,customer,goods,the way to trade and the related service. Yiwu Market is more complete than Chaotianmen Market. As a result,Chaotianmen Market needs to learn from Yiwu Market. Especially,Chongqing should take its advantage of the location,grasp the chance to develop itself and narrow the gap between Yiwu Market and Chaotianmen Market in the current situation of the industrial structure upgrade and transfer and the completion of Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Keywords:Yiwu Market;Chaotianmen Market of Chongqing;difference;industrial group;regional advantage